A homeschooling family's learning adventure as they travel across the country.

Friday, April 29, 2011

Day 8 -- Sound sleep, country roads, and far away law schools

Ahhhhh ..... other than some pitter patter rain drops, we had our first sound sleep in several nights. There are no railroads near our backwoods RV park .... only road noise and geese cackling in the lake nearby :-) And praise God - no tornados near! (Thank you for your prayers!!)

Today we set out and will do a lot of driving in order to get into Virginia. Our goal is to stop in at Liberty University's Law School (the only Christian law school in the nation) and take a look around as well as to visit with our friend and brother in Christ who is attending there -- Jonathon. Josiah has felt called to go into law and politics and make a difference in our nation as a constitutional conservative. Although Virginia feels very far from home, it is one of the law schools that he would like to look into attending if the Lord directs.

For those of you interested, yes -- the kids are doing some schoolwork on this journey. Josiah has his college work to keep up with. Isaac has science, math review, grammar, and Spanish vocabulary to review. Isabelle has math review, science reading with narration, and of course those multiplication tables to go over (after all the work that went into learning them, I'm not about to let them get lost!). The two youngest kids are also studying each state we are going through as well as writing out short reports for various field trips. Everyone (minus Joe) has an hour of reading to do each day. This keeps them busy enough to not get bored, but not so much that they don't have leisure time to play, watch, and listen to our audiobooks and enjoy conversation. Both Isabelle and Isaac have kept journals as well. Isaac has taken great pains to write out the gas prices across the country, keep track of mileage, and also write out all of the various state license plates he has seen. Of all the kids, he seems the most suited to this trip. Whereas Isabelle's daily journal reads in some fashion: I miss home :-(

We are over an hour away from the Interstate currently but have enjoyed these beautiful country roads for a change -- rolling hills, tidy farms, and absolutely amazing colonial, antebellum homes have brought calls of "Isabelle look!" more than once.
Photos to come . . .

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